Call: 1800 829 278
PO Box 2075 Roxburgh Park VIC 3064

Tawasul Foundation is dedicated to promoting multiculturalism in Australia. Our mission is simple yet powerful - to bridge the gaps between different cultures, religions, and ethnicities, fostering an environment of understanding and acceptance.

Our unique approach facilitates constructive dialogues, cultural exchange programs, and educational initiatives that empower individuals to develop empathy and appreciation for one another's differences.

Previous Activities

some of our previous activities in Melbourne

Why we do it:

Multiculturalism enables a ‘fair go’ for all.

What we do:

Promoting reconciliation, mutual respect, and tolerance between groups of individuals that are in Australia.

How we do it:

  • Educating the public about the importance and benefits of our multicultural community
  • Supporting & participating in multicultural activities so that all people can share their culture with others in the community, and
  • Ensuring that the local government is aware of and able to provide culturally appropriate facilities and services for all people in the community to ensure that all community members feel included.

We're here to answer your questions

Contact our team for any questions

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